Zenith Finance

Our fintech app is designed to simplify financial transactions for our users. The app enables users to send and receive money quickly and securely, as well as track their expenses and manage their budgets. Our target audience is young professionals who are tech-savvy, digitally connected, and value convenience and simplicity.

Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup

Brand Positioning

Our brand is focused on making financial transactions and management easy, fast, and secure. We want to be the go-to app for young professionals who are always on-the-go and want to stay in control of their finances.


After implementing the new brand identity focused on making financial transactions and management easy, fast, and secure, the results were impressive. The app experienced a notable increase in user engagement, with a significant uptick in downloads and active users. The streamlined and user-friendly interface resonated well with the target audience of young professionals, who appreciated the ease of managing their finances on-the-go.

After implementing the new brand identity focused on making financial transactions and management easy, fast, and secure, the results were impressive. The app experienced a notable increase in user engagement, with a significant uptick in downloads and active users. The streamlined and user-friendly interface resonated well with the target audience of young professionals, who appreciated the ease of managing their finances on-the-go.

After implementing the new brand identity focused on making financial transactions and management easy, fast, and secure, the results were impressive. The app experienced a notable increase in user engagement, with a significant uptick in downloads and active users. The streamlined and user-friendly interface resonated well with the target audience of young professionals, who appreciated the ease of managing their finances on-the-go.

Minhas Contribuições

Minha atuação nesse projeto foi multifacetada, onde atuei de ponta a ponta sendo a principal responsável pelo projeto, desde a realização de pesquisas com usuários e stakeholders para mapear dores e oportunidades até a criação da interface do usuário em alta fidelidade e handoff para os desenvolvedores.

• Realização de pesquisas qualitativas, mapeando necessidades dos stakeholders e usuários para identificar dores e oportunidades.
• Planejamento estratégico, com definição de roadmaps e priorização de atividades com base em OKRs (Objetivos e Resultados-Chave).
• Realização de benchmarkings e análise de competidores, analisando as melhores práticas e identificando oportunidades de melhoria.
• Assegurar a viabilidade técnica do produto, colaborando ativamente com o time de engenharia e equipes multidisciplinares.
• Desenvolvimento de protótipos e wireframes detalhados utilizando o Figma, garantindo uma representação visual clara e precisa das soluções propostas.
• Facilitação de testes de usabilidade, observando e analisando a interação dos usuários com o produto e identificando áreas de aprimoramento.
• Criação de userflows, sitemaps e arquitetura da informação.
• Elaboração de documentação completa para orientar a implementação das soluções de design.
• Contribuição para a implementação do design system da plataforma.
• Handoff e acompanhamento em conjunto com os desenvolvedores.
• Elaboração de textos mais acessíveis e de fácil entendimento sem termos técnicos.
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup


We love the Sora typeface for it’s softness, rounded strokes, and it’s unique friendly look. It is versatile for display, headlines, digital design, and prints.


Made by me with figma and framer. Let`s go 2025


Made by me with figma and framer. Let`s go 2025


Made by me with figma and framer. Let`s go 2025